Jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika
Jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika

Panitia mengucapkan selamat serta terima kasih atas keikutsertaan dalam Seminar Nasional Informatika (SNIf) 2015. Makalah yang diterima berasal dari seluruh Indonesia, makalah yang dimuat dalam Prosiding SNIf 2015 telah melalui tahap evaluasi oleh para reviewer yang berkompeten dibidangnya. Kumpulan makalah dikemas dalam bentuk prosiding dan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan bidang kajian antara lain Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Computer Networking end Security, Multimedia, Wirelles Computing, Interfacing, Information System, dan Software Engineering.

jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika

Seminar Nasional Informatika (SNIf) merupakan salah satu agenda kegiatan rutin tahunan Universitas Potensi Utama sebagai forum yang mempertemukan akademisi, Peneliti, Praktisi dan Pengambil Kebijakan dibidang informatika guna penyebaran Ilmu pengetahuan dan Teknologi terkini. Keywords : Tourism, Geographic Information System, Majalengka District. The elements of a well-managed tourism can provide benefits to the area. The development of tourism in Majalengka would bring many benefits to society, which is economically, socially and culturally. Besides aiming to market the tourism products, also aims to provide complete information for potential tourists to be able to visit the tourist place. Information concerning, among other tourist attractions, accommodations, and distance to the sights. In addition to in order to get a clear picture of the state of the places to be visited, tourists also can set up costs and the appropriate equipment for the trip in order to avoid things that are not desirable. In terms of tourists or visitors, travel information is needed to plan a trip from the residence or place of origin to the place of destination. Therefore, the provision of accurate data about the condition of the tourist attractions in Majalengka indispensable.

jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika

Majalengka has a wide range of tourist attractions that have the charm of each, both natural and cultural charm can certainly be used as capital to further develop this area as a tourist destination.

jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika

Potential and tourist wealth in Majalengka that many tourist attractions but the lack of promotion of the government prompted the authors to develop a Geographic Information System. The tourism sector is one of the productive potential until today continuously developed.

Jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika